Flowing Room No2
Flowing Room No2 流動的房間
Computer-generated images & texts, , installation, Giclée Print,
The “Jane” series of works. “Jane” is the English name given to me by a English teacher when I was a child. However, an online search of “Jane” brings up information with the tag #Jane that is the symbol shared with everyone. The work, created by an automated system, presents publically available data of “Jane” . Through the texts, images, portraits, sounds of “Jane”, “Flowing Room No2” constructs a room in which viewers watch, participate and perceive the existence of “Jane”.
《Jane》系列作品。「Jane」 是藝術家小時候英文老師給的英文名字,網路上搜尋「Jane」,卻是一種與眾人共享的網路分身。作品以網路「Jane」的資料(Data)為創作材料,以自動程式搜尋產製數位肖像與文本。《流動的房間 No2》透過以「Jane」為名的書寫、影像、肖像、聲音等,建構出觀者觀看、參與與感知「Jane」的存在之空間情境。