(Post) Internet Art Research Lab

Digital + interactive + Art , Yu-Chuang Tseng

Conversation-Eve & Adam

Conversation-Eve & Adam


Conversation-Eve & Adam



In the Genesis story of Adam and Eve, Eve was created by Adam’s rib. Eve was “falling” and tempted by a serpent. She plucked off the forbidden fruit and tempted Adam, and was expelled from the Garden of Eden. Linda Nochlin (2004), in ” Lost and Found: Once More the Fallen Woman,” argues the absurdity of the term “Falling” in art history, referring to an immoral role of women who are not able to take on family responsibilities. Mark Twain’s “The Diary of Adam and Eve” discusses reflections on the relationship between men and women in the form of a diary. “Conversation – Eve and Adam” is part of a series of digital portraits that discusses symbols and characters. Eve and Adam in the Garden of Eden are images constructed by text and become protagonists in culture and art; people have named Eve and Adam as individuals with symbols of Eve and Adam, but in the reorganization of signals, they become blurred portraits. The work will reconstruct the past and the present, the real and virtual Eve and Adam, and become the presence and absence of the other together. Through reading, reorganizing and responding to Mark Twain’s “The Diary of Adam and Eve”, through the dialogue between Eve and Adam, thinking about gender constraints and message errors in the social value system.

在亞當與夏娃的創世紀故事中,夏娃是亞當的一根肋骨所創造,夏娃因“墜落”而在蛇的誘惑下,摘下偷嘗了禁果並誘惑亞當,並被逐出伊甸園。琳達‧諾克琳(Linda Nochlin)(2004)在「失落與尋回:再論墮落女性的形象」一文中,提出在藝術史中“墜落”(Falling)一詞的荒謬性,意指女性未能承擔家庭責任,不符合道德的失德角色。馬克吐溫(Mark Twain)的《亞當夏娃日記》以日記型式,討論男人與女人的關係的思考。〈對話-夏娃與亞當〉是數位肖像系列中的一部,討論符號與角色。伊甸園中的夏娃與亞當,是以文本建構的形象,並在文化與藝術中成為主角;人們透過取名為夏娃與亞當,成為具有夏娃與亞當符號的個體,卻又在訊號重組中,成為模糊肖像。作品將重構過去與現在,真實與虛擬的夏娃與亞當,一起成為在場又不在場的他者。透過閱讀、重組與回應馬克吐溫的《亞當夏娃日記》,以夏娃與亞當的對話,思考社會價值體系中的性別制約與訊息誤謬。

Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam

Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam
Conversation-Eve & Adam

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