(Post) Internet Art Research Lab

Digital + interactive + Art , Yu-Chuang Tseng

WOMEN-From prehistory to HERstory

Love and Hope: 2022 World Women’s Art Festival-Women From prehistory to HERstory


本展覽擬聚焦性別/族群、神話/歷史、生態/科技等錯綜交織論述,圍繞於「原民與生態跨域」、「性別與歷史再現」、「神話與科技越界」三相關議題。期待由陰性邏輯推演未來,結合新興科技媒體及考古歷史貫串時空書寫「她的故事 HERstory」,從而彰顯女性、女神、大地之母的生命衍生與創新能量。



我們/Women的歷史之前與之後:尤瑪.達陸、峨冷.魯魯安、魯碧.司瓦那、 哈拿.葛琉、米類.瑪法琉、蕭麗虹、吳瑪悧、阿儒瓦苡.篙瑪竿、謝鴻均、陳依純、曾鈺涓、張美陵、林珮淳、陳珠櫻、林月霞、徐洵蔚、逗小花、賴純純








“Love and Hope—2022 World Women Artists Confluence” is staged from June 25 to September 21, at fourteen venues in Taitung, including Taitung Art Museum, National Museum of Prehistory,  and National Taitung Living Art Center, among others.  

史上最盛大集結近百位女性藝術工作者 An Unpresented Unity of Near 100 Women Artists 


For the first time the three major art institutions in Taitung engaged more than seventy female artists from different communities and backgrounds throughout Taiwan, together with artists invited by the curatorial team, close to one hundred female artists are joining and activating their art power to send away the pandemic and greet the future with “Love and Hope”.

女藝會於臺東展現蓬勃精彩的創作能量 TWA Bringing Brilliant and Dynamic Creations to Taitung

「台灣女性藝術協會」成立於2000年,為一全國性藝術團體,20餘年來致力於協助國內女性參與藝術產業,並積極改善藝術界整體性別差異環境。現今協會會員多達300位,其中包括藝術創作、藝術行政、藝術策展、藝術評論、及藝術教育等專業領域之工作者,亦不乏於國際藝術界十分活躍的會員。而現任理事長賴純純上任後,將會址遷徙至近十年來滋養她身心與創作心靈的原鄉-臺東,藉此將女藝會關注與實踐的足跡拓展至創作生命力源源不絕的臺灣東部。2020 年起全球因傳染病毒經歷恐懼慌亂的兩年多,臺灣島上的人們自助互持,使我們有能量為世界貢獻、輸出愛與希望。女藝會以大山、大海、人文薈萃的臺東為主要展現基地,籌畫「愛與希望~2022世界女藝匯流藝術祭在臺東」行動,為臺灣文化和藝術貢獻璨爛的成就。

Taiwan Women’s Art Association was founded in 2000,  over the past two decades, as a nationwide association for art, it commits to support women who wish to participate in art business and reduce gender inequality in the art world. Hitherto there are three hundred members with professions of creation, art administration, curation, art criticism and art education, among others. Many of them are active internationally. After Jun T. Lai took the chair, she moved the Association to Taitung, where she has been nourished and inspired for nearly ten years. The art and social practice of TWA therefore are more seen in the lively and naturally resourceful eastern Taiwan. Over the past two years, as the world had been in fear and anxiety of the pandemic, people in Taiwan learned how to support one another and empower ourselves, through love and hope, to be able to contribute to the world. Setting out from the splendid mountains and sea in Taitung, and with the rich humanistic treasure locally, TWA’s “Love and Hope—2022 World Women Artists Confluence” is to present its scintillating achievement for art and culture in Taiwan.

多元議題引發高度關注與各界連結  Attracting Attention and Connecting Different Communities with Multiple Themes 


The diversified themes of this event have attracted attention and support from many, including Taishin International Bank and ViewSonic. Steven Yu, the Global Marketing Director of ViewSonic, a video technology leading brand, suggests bringing art, love, and hope beyond the boundary with innovative technological solutions. Special thanks also go to Fembooks, Taiwan Women’s Center, Joint Entertainment International Inc., Taiwan Women’s Film Association, filmmaker Weitsy Wang, filmmaker Sayun Simung, filmmaker Huang Yu-shan, filmmaker Chen Lih-Kuei,  Norden Ruder Hostel Taitung, Ita Taiwan Indigenous Culture Resort, Taitung County Indigenous Culture Reception Center, and Hotel Cham Cham Taitung. This event won’t happen without their generous support.  


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