Jane Writing Project: Jane is an Artist Today《Jane書寫計畫:今天Jane是一位藝術家》

Photo took in Taiwan Pavilion: Drifting Feast – Impossible Dialogue, Langgeng Art Foundation, Yogyakarta
2023.12 ~
電腦衍生影像,ChatGPT-4生成影像與文字,藝術微噴 Computer generated images, ChatGPT-4 AI generated images, Print
視現場裝置而定 site-specific installation
《Jane書寫計畫:今天Jane是一位藝術家》是《Jane》系列作品之一。《Jane》系列作品是透過以「Jane」為名的創作計畫,建構出觀者觀看、參與感知「Jane」存在的空間情境。「Jane」 是藝術家小時候英文老師給的英文名字,網路上搜尋「Jane」,卻是一種與眾人共享的網路分身,透過數位編碼,個人的真實存在以訊號重組,在訊號流動之中,失去了存在的唯一性,被解碼與重新編碼成為0與1,在與眾生重組的過程中換成另一個不同面貌重新存在,成為在場又不在場的他者。自2018年開始,藝術家每日以程式搜尋下載網路相簿Flickr中,標籤 「Jane」的相關照片,並以臉部辨識程式與影像自動生成系統,產製每日「Jane」的數位肖像。2023年12月開始的《Jane書寫計畫》,將「Jane」的數位肖像上傳到ChatGPT4,要求人工智慧進行閱讀與分析影像,自動產生關於Jane的故事,進行文圖相關意義的詮釋,再進而以此故事創造一張關於Jane的圖像。此創作過程,放棄全然的作者權,由ChatGPT4自動生產的故事、Prompt與圖像 ,從模糊的肖像,產生具故事文本與清晰圖像,看似有意義卻是更為模糊,從資訊視覺化的混成影像,再創造成為資訊再結構化,探討Jane在人工智慧中的角色,並探究人工智慧是否真實具創造性。《Jane書寫計畫》中「Jane」,每日擁有一個新的身份,此次展出的「Jane」是一位藝術家。
IG: https://www.instagram.com/i_digi_jane/
Medium: https://medium.com/@yuchuantseng
Vocus: https://vocus.cc/salon/JaneWritingProject
Jane Writing Project: Jane is an Artist Today , is part of the Jane series. The Jane series constructs a spatial context for the viewer to perceive and participate in the presence of “Jane”. “Jane” was the English name given to the artist by her English teacher when she was a child. However, searching for “Jane” on the internet reveals a shared digital persona. Through digital encoding, the individual’s existence is reassembled into signals, losing its uniqueness, being decoded and re-encoded into 0s and 1s. In the process of reassembling with others, it transforms into a different appearance, becoming another presence that is both here and not here.
Since 2018, the artist has been using a program to search and download photos tagged with “Jane” from the online album Flickr daily, producing a daily digital portrait of “Jane” using facial recognition software and image auto-generation systems. Starting from December 2023, the Jane Writing Project uploads these digital portraits to ChatGPT-4, asking the AI to read and analyze the images, automatically generating stories and roles about Jane, interpreting the relationship between text and images, and then creating an image about Jane based on the story. This creative process abandons total authorship, with ChatGPT-4 automatically generating the stories, prompts, and images. From blurred portraits, it produces stories and clear images, seemingly meaningful yet more ambiguous. From hybrid images of information visualization, it recreates information re-structuring, exploring Jane’s role in AI and questioning whether AI truly possesses creativity.
In the Jane Writing Project, “Jane” assumes a new identity daily, and the “Jane” showcased in this exhibition is an artist.
Jane Writing Project Story and Image Generation Process:
- Program produces digital portrait
- Upload digital portrait to ChatGPT-4 for reading and generating a 300-word story
- Explain the relationship between the digital portrait and the text
- Create an image about Jane based on the story
IG: https://www.instagram.com/i_digi_jane/
Medium: https://medium.com/@yuchuantseng