Yu-Chuan Tseng

Happy Scene

All Ways-O's Chatroom, Web Interactive Installation

How we know each other when we chat on line in virtual community?

In the “All ways-O’ Chatroom ”, there are 9 chat rooms. O, the host of the chat room, is always on line to chat with the participants. However, O is not a real person; it is a computer program without artificial intelligence. The program will select the vocabulary randomly form the database to answer the question. The vocabulary database was created by the entire participants. More participants, the more the vocabulary created, the personality of O become unpredictable. “All Ways” means the multiplicity and changeable of O’s personality.

The identity of human is flowing with multiple faces. Life becomes a dramatic shift in our notion of self, machine and world. People change identity, play in different roles and simulate a virtual life via internet. The virtual ways of living has been affected the knowing of the people’s experience in different ways. People is happy in the interactive process, they make friends and chat with stranger. Once the process of virtual living is accomplished, they log out, and the self play out all the fantasies.

“All ways-O’ Chatroom ” introspect the human self identity in the technology era. The virtual ways of living has been affected the knowing of the people’s experience in being. The assemblies of dialogues become the identity of O.

“Who is chatting with you?”



2003.05 All Ways- O's chatroom - web art, Taipei, Shin Leh Yuan Art Space

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