Yu-Chuan Tseng

數位肖像系列-David & Amy

Digital Portrait Series-David & Amy │ computer generatedl images│ moving images

The original (clear and decipherable) portrait that appeared on the screen initially is evidence that the participant truly existed at the display. Their existence is a signal, which is transmitted by the internet to the other end of the world, where the signal is recoded, causing the participant to lose his / her individual identity. This identity
is reconfigured into computer code: 0’s and 1’s. And, as the millions of portraits on the screen are simultaneously recoded, the participant takes on a new appearance and existence. They become someone who is there (at the exhibition) and, at the same time, not really there. In 2013, Utilizing the searching and grnerated program of "Where are you", the series of Digital Portrait Series are created to show the diffenent faces of names.

The original (clear and decipherable) portrait that appeared on the screen initially is evidence that the participant truly existed at the display.In 2013, Utilizing the searching and grnerated program of "Where are you", the series of Digital Portrait Series are created to show the diffenent faces of names.


Digital Portrait Series-David (2013.05-2014.05)

數位肖像系列- Amy

Digital Portrait Series-Amy (2013.05-2014.05)


Digital Portrait Series--David (2013.05.04)

Digital Portrait Series--Amy (2013.05.04)



2015 Started with Hatsune Miku- Contemporary Art Exhibition, The Pier-2 Art Center, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan

2015 How are you? Action art space. Taichung, Taiwan

2014 I Fall, There I Am-Taiwanese Women Artists Exhibition, WAA Taipei., Taiwan

2013 Taiwan Artist Fair 2013, The Paper Mill 1918, Taipei, Taiwan





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